Sack Smash: Harmless Fun or Deep-Rooted Symbolism?
This game, upon first glance, appears to be nothing more than a nonsensical timewaster about a boy who smashes gnomes with his godly testicles. However, one must look deeper to discover the real meaning behind this, undoubtedly the finest of Dan Paladin's astounding work.
The gnomes represent society's grip on every one of us, influencing us to do whatever it says. Theboulder-crotched boy represents a fighter against the strong grip of society's influence, smashing the opressive gnomes with his sizeable scrotum. The giant testicles, making a sound not unlike a fistful of placenta being squeezed on every bounce, represent the pain that comes along every step of the way on the pathway to freedom from opression.
Now you can properly understand the subtle nuances of this piece, and get a deeper fulfillment out of every play. Thank you, Dan Paladin, for what is surely the piece of the century.